Just as in modern psychology, Tantra recognises the need to process negative emotions and traumatic experiences in order to have more well-being.

Tantra teaches that when we have traumatic experiences, the strong emotions and memories associated with those experiences can become embedded in our subconscious like seeds, known in Sanskrit as Samskaras.

If we don’t address and attend to those samskaras, and instead ignore them and push them down, out of sight our of mind, so to speak, then those seeds will fester and grow in the darkness of our shadow self.

Traditional Tantra uses the metaphor “digesting” emotions. When emotions and memories are digested, they are processed in a healthy way, and brought into our conscious awareness, so that we may learn what we need to learn from them, and perhaps forgive what needs to be forgiven. In this way they no longer suck at our energy or drain us from the darkness of our repressed subconscious feelings.

For many people the sexual aspect of Tantra is a powerful way to bring about huge life transformations and healing of deep emotional wounds.

As tantra teacher Sofia Sundari has once said… “your unleashed sexuality is the gateway to your highest potential”.

In this episode I explore several aspects of Tantric healing, drawing on perspectives from both traditional tantric texts, and contemporary neo tantra teachings.

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YuTantra is a safe online space where you can find and connect with others who share in interest in Tantra, sacred sexuality, and spirituality.

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All sources and references for this episode can be found in the show notes on YuTantra blog: Tantra for Healing and Well-Being.

The Tantric Life Podcast

Listen to the podcast episode of this topic on your preferred platform, here: E32 Tantra for Healing and Well-Being.