When we look back to original teachings of Tantra we see that the goal of practice was entirely spiritual. In the early tantric texts you won’t find teachings for how to improve your sex life, or how to heal your inner wounds through massage!

Tantra is really a path of yoga. Yoga means union, and is a term that can be applied to many spiritual traditions and practices, that have as their goal union with Divine consciousness, becoming one with the Divine.

However, Tantra also acknowledges that there may be other goals of practice, secondary to that primary goal of liberation. These other goals can be related to more material things, and other aspects of daily life as a human.

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All sources and references for this episode can be found in the show notes on YuTantra blog: The True Goal of Tantra.

The Tantric Life Podcast

Listen to the podcast episode of this topic on your preferred platform, here: E34 The True Goal of Tantra.